Friends of the Conscious Feminine

People known personally to me who are bringing a consciousness of Feminine values into life through the way they are.

Brigitte Antelme. France.

Sheila Broderick. Cumbria.

Maria Sophia Ball. London.

Rachel Boone. Homeopath. London.

And here’s some links to other people doing good things:

Nigel Temple. The Marketing Compass. Help for small businesses.  Nigel is a kind man and a marketing expert. He’s very in tune with
Deborah Robinson. Artist, writer, poet. Animal portrait artist.

Animal Rights and Vegetarianism

Karin Ridgers. Mad Promotions. Very good PR.

Cim Bartlett
Re-discover your sparkle. Promoting women’s personal development.
Yoga centre in the heart of Newtown, Sydney, Australia. Katie Manitsas.